Realife Miniature Furniture Kit # 198 Collector Series Country Store Accessories DIY Dollhouse by Scientific Models Miniatures
All of the products and accessories to stock you country store, plus a telephone and a pickle barrel, and many more items to fill up your store. See detailed pictures.
There exists a Store Fixtures kit # 199 (sold separately) containing the shelves and counter for this store scene.
- Precut and numbered parts
- Detailed Product Packaging
- Potbelly stove and coffee grinder
- Step-by-Step Instructions
In the mid-1970s, Scientific Models, Inc. (now operating as MicroMark) began offering 12th scale basswood furniture kits aimed at the growing dollhouse miniatures market. They eventually offered dozens of kits of mostly die-cut parts aim at the child and craft markets. The company already had a foothold in the hobby market where they offered ship models and other wood crafts. They were quickly picked up as a staple brand in the miniatures market and sold tens of thousands of their single item and room kits in the retail market. Colonial, Early American and Modern styles were available through the early 1990s. The kits were made in the USA and the fit and finish was middling.
Early kits do not include a parts diagram, so it is not easy to identify whether all parts are present. Most parts are easy to recreate using basswood stock from Hobby Lobby or other hobby shops that carry wood models. These models are 35-45 years old and I cannot guarantee all parts are present or still in usable condition.